Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Listed below are the new DIMA Officers. We were able to avoid an election through compromise! Below you will find the Letters of Intent each new officer provided. The letters detail their plans for the 07/08 terms. Please congratulate and encourage your fellow students for taking on these responsibilities.

Toni Lorusso – DIMA President elect

I am running for the office of DIMA President for the Fall 2007/ Spring 2008 semesters. I am currently a second semester part-time student eager to learn Direct and Interactive Marketing and excited to get more involved within the program. If elected, I will bring to DIMA my leadership skills, endless energy, and most importantly the desire to help DIMA reach its full potential. I would be honored to have the opportunity to serve my peers as President of DIMA.

To help DIMA reach its fullest potential, I have joined a group of very talented and motivated peers who share the same goals and visions for DIMA as I do. Together we formed the group, Team AIM: Awareness and Involvement in Marketing. I would like to introduce you to the Team AIM ticket:

Toni Lorusso – Candidate, President
Tanvi Patel – Candidate, Vice President
Tim Hartman – Candidate, Treasurer
Katie Murphy – Candidate, Secretary

Team AIM developed a platform of goals that we would like to achieve and an action plan to achieve them. Our team’s priorities include:

To increase awareness of the program
Action Plan: Representatives from DIMA to attend SCPS New Student Orientation and/or make classroom visits as a means of introducing DIMA to new students
To increase student involvement in DIMA
Action Plan: Email monthly “Calendar of Events” to students highlighting upcoming activities
Action Plan: Schedule and plan a monthly event prior to class start to enable a larger student turnout (for example, monthly “Pizza Day” where students can grab a slice and mingle with DIMA peers prior to class start)
To increase alumni networking
Action Plan: Invite alumni to student networking events
To re-launch the DIMA blog site and increase site traffic
Action Plan: Create a job/internship page
Action Plan: Post tutoring information
To develop a Study Abroad Program
Action Plan: Create the first-ever study abroad week-long program that enables students to receive exposure to global direct and interactive marketing practices

If elected, Team AIM will be enabled to accomplish its goals and take DIMA to the next level.

With great enthusiasm,

Toni Lorusso

Tanvi Patel – Vice President elect

I am running for Vice President of DIMA for the Fall ’07 & Spring ’08 semesters. I am currently in my second semester of the program as a full-time student. I have been very impressed with the program in terms of the curriculum, faculty industry connections and most of all, the students. I would like to contribute the program as Vice President to see the program excel to a higher level of awareness throughout the industry.

Working with my peers, I hope to expand the engage the students, faculty and industry leaders to help augment the program with more enriching hands-on experience around the world. As with most new programs, a critical hurdle is being accepted in the academic world as a prestigious program. While we have succeeded in accomplishing this goal within the Direct & Interactive Marketing arena, one of my goals as Vice President would be to introduce this program to prospective students at leading employers around the country and around the world.

Tim Hartman – DIMA Treasurer elect

I am running for the office of DIMA Treasurer for the Fall 2007/ Spring 2008 semesters. I am currently a second semester full-time student eager to learn Direct and Interactive Marketing and excited to get more involved within the program.

If elected, I will work to increase the importance and stature of DIMA as well as the overall program.

As part of a strong team, I will work to accomplish all our stated goals. Our team’s priorities include:

To increase awareness of the program
Action Plan: Representatives from DIMA to attend SCPS New Student Orientation and/or make classroom visits as a means of introducing DIMA to new students
To increase student involvement in DIMA
Action Plan: Email monthly “Calendar of Events” to students highlighting upcoming activities
Action Plan: Schedule and plan a monthly event prior to class start to enable a larger student turnout (for example, monthly “Pizza Day” where students can grab a slice and mingle with DIMA peers prior to class start)
To increase alumni networking
Action Plan: Invite alumni to student networking events
To re-launch the DIMA blog site and increase site traffic
Action Plan: Create a job/internship page
Action Plan: Post tutoring information
To develop a Study Abroad Program
Action Plan: Create the first-ever study abroad week-long program that enables students to receive exposure to global direct and interactive marketing practices

Thank you,


Katie Murphy – Secretary elect

I am running for Secretary of DIMA for the Fall ’07 & Spring ’08 semesters. I am currently in my second semester of the program and am committed to seeing it gain awareness as the #1 Direct & Interactive Marketing Master’s program. Through DIMA, we have the ability to work as a team and with members of the faculty, current students and alumni to continue to grow the program and make it the best it can be for students currently in the program.

My goal is to increase student, alumni and faculty involvement in DIMA. Some initial ideas include optimizing the DIMA blog and making it the “go to” page for anyone needing information on the program. Implementing a DIMA orientation session for new students and reaching out to prospective students. DIMA needs to be a resource for anyone involved in our program and students need to know that they can turn to DIMA to answer any questions they may have and get advice from their peers. DIMA needs to be accessible, helpful, encouraging and fun. My intent is to make DIMA more prominent in student, faculty and alumni lives on a daily basis. This, in turn, will allow DIMA to prosper, promote our program, offer better networking opportunities and provide a sense of community for members of the Direct & Interactive Marketing Program.